Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours: Closed (Corona Virus)

Week of April 05, 2020

Preface 4th Edition

“This book has become the basic text for our Society and has helped such large numbers of alcoholic men and women to recovery,....If you have a drinking problem, we hope that you may pause in reading one of the forty-two personal stories and think: 'Yes, that happened to me': or, more important, 'Yes, I’ve felt like that': or, most important, 'Yes, I believe this program can work for me too.'”

-Alcoholics Anonymous preface, p.xi-xii

Thank You!

Thank you to the many individuals and groups who are continuing to support the Intergroup with their financial contributions. Several years ago a PayPal account was set up for group contributions and is accessible on the website menu. We can also use the account for literature and medallion purchases. If you would like to make a purchase, please send email to and arrangements can be made for purchase and pick up.

Virtual Meetings

Virtual Meetings continue to be our fellowship's main means to interact during the mandated shelter-in-place. Be advised that Internet Trolls are joining unsecured Zoom meetings and disrupting them. Please read this document on how to secure your meetings to avoid embarrassment.

Zoom has changed all accounts to Password Protected. The Virtual Meetings are being updated with passwords as we receive them. If you are having difficulties entering a meeting, please send email to and we will respond quickly. If you have saved any links, they may now need a password. If you are dialing into a meeting, at the prompt put in the Meeting ID followed by the # key and then input the password followed by the # key. All Zoom account holders should have received an email explaining the How To’s for passwords. Any questions, email at


The Intergroup and Website Comittee continue to make adjustments to the weekly Bulletin. Please bear with us as we work through these changes. The Bulletin will be posted to the website as well as distributed (via email) on Saturdays and contain the following week's information (Sunday through Saturday). Soon, the website will have a form to sign up to receive the mailing. Anonymity is our spiritual foundation and due to the Bulletin being online we can no longer use last names (even by request).


Institutions Committee

All institution commitments continue to be cancelled due to the Corona Virus. When restrictions are lifted the committee chair will be in contact with all home groups and individuals who hold a service commitment. If you'd be interested in assisting Virtual Meetings within institutions please email

Up-to-the-minute Updates

Please refer to the website's homepage for the latest information on how the Corona Virus is affecting meetings and events. Suggestions welcome.

Answering Service

April 6 - April 12 Third Tradition
April 13 - April 19 Bel Air Wednesday Night
April 20 - April 26 Bel Air Women's Big Book

Anniversary - Actual Date

If your meeting is "temporarily closed" due to the Corona Virus and you would like to post an anniversary anyway, please do. We will denote your date as such, so that we can continue to celebrate our recovery dates.


† virtual meeting
06 April
Lauren A Swan Group 2 years
Darleen L Emmorton Beginners † 34 years
07 April
Matt R We Are Not Saints † 1 year
Jerry S We Are Not Saints † 3 years
11 April
Billy D New Beginnings † 22 years
13 April
Paul J Emmorton Beginners † 5 years
Mike N Monday 12-Step 5 years
15 April
Chris Y Bel Air Wed (Red Door) † 3 years
16 April
Steve H Any Lengths † 3 years
† virtual meeting

Final Thought: “It would be hard to estimate how much A.A. has done for me.” -Alcoholics Anonymous p.191

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498