Please represent your Home group at the Intergroup Council Monthly Meeting on Tuesday January 26th at 7 PM on Zoom or Dial In at 929 205 6099. Meeting ID: 852 4719 7087. Password: 669703. Please join us and give your Home Group a vote. Virtual doors will open at 6:45 PM. Documents for meeting on Events Calendar.
How can we get involved . . . Here's the Maryland General Service Calendar for 2021 MGS 2021 Calendar
Great Service Opportunity - Join us in a collaborative rendition of unlocking the mystery of The A.A. Service Manual. Areas 12, 28 & 29 are pleased to invite you to join us on Thursday evenings from 7 pm – 8:30 pm (ET) thru February 11 2021. For more information see the Events Calendar. Next meeting January 14th.
Sober Seniors Share Your Story. YOU can submit an article to the Grapevine! SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. Please submit an article to the Grapevine for the Sober Seniors Issue (stories due Feb. 15, 2021) What are some challenges you have getting older in AA? Are you in assisted living? How do you get to AA meetings? How do you stay connected to the Fellowship? Did you get sober later in life? Do you do service reaching out to senior members? Share your experiences.
57th International Women’s Conference – Virtual. February 18th - February 21st. The Language of the Heart will be spoken at the First Virtual International Women’s Conference ever held. The women of Charlotte, North Carolina are excited to bring this conference to our sisters in every part of the world, truly making our conference available for many women who were never able to attend in person. The Language of the Heart that the sober women speak while attending the IWC will continue to be spoken every day in every city in the world and will continue to unite us in sisterhood and sobriety. Be of service - attend with a fellow alcoholic, sponsees, and sponsor . . . support the Language of the Heart Worldwide. For More Information see the Events Page.
NERAASA (Northeast Regional Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly. REGISTRATION IS OPEN!! February 26th - 28th. See Events Page for informations