Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours Posted on Website

Week of March 28, 2021

the magic . . .

"I surrendered behind the tears of no answers and decided to do it their way. I found the Power greater than myself to be the magic above the heads of the people in the meetings. I chose to call that magic Great Spirit."

Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 467

Upcoming Events

Office News

Don't hit that online order button - Need literature or medallions? - your Intergroup office offers a better price and you will be helping to support local AA Services. You can call in your order and we'll have it ready for you:410-272-4150. The office hours are posted on the website on the Contact Us Page. To enter the office please wear face covering, and respect social distancing. Stop in the office to see some new titles from AAWS, Grapevine and Hazelden. These are great AA anniversary gifts.

TWO NEW RELEASES From the Grapevine Free on the Inside: Stories of AA Recovery in Prison and Women in AA (Spanish Language) will be available in late April. Contact the Intergroup office if you are interested in purchasing either of these new titles. Use this link for more detailed information.

Thanks to all the groups and individuals who continue to support the Intergroup through contributions and service. Special Thanks goes to All for celebrating their Anniversaries with a Birthday Plan Contribution. A PayPal account is set up for contributions and is accessible on the Contribute page. Contributions are also gladly accepted by check in the mail, cash or check in person during office hours at NEMDAA Intergroup at 28 Centennial Lane, Aberdeen, MD 21001.


Meeting Updates and Announcements... Meetings are still changing frequently - please remember to check for updated meeting information. You can use this link - How To Find A Meeting. There are also new website pages for Meeting Updates. Please email or call in your group changes or updates. Thank you

NEMDAA MEETING DIRECTORY . . . we are now posting a preliminary Meetings Directory for physical meetings. Please review the new directory and give us your feedback - It's a work in progress. if your group is not posted, please let us know, and we'll include it with the next update. We won't be printing mass quantities at this time , because meetings are reopening every day. Please feel free to print copies. NEMDAA DIRECTORY - UPDATED 3-31-2021. (Bulletin Updated 04-01-2021)


Institutions Committee

Available institution commitments are listed on the website under the Service and Committee Section. If you are interested in carrying the message and want more information, send an inquiry to


Please join us on April 10th at 9:00 AM, as we come together for our annual Area 29 Mini-Conference. This exciting and informative event will be held on Zoom this year.

Our annual Mini-Conference is our opportunity to help prepare our Delegate for the General Service Conference. There will be presentations, followed by discussion regarding many of the items on the agenda for the General Service Conference, helping ensure our Delegate understands the issues at hand, as well as the group conscience of the membership in our area. Everybody has a voice in AA. And this is our opportunity to ensure it is heard!

Many interesting and important topics will be discussed. Among them are: changing the AA Preamble, whether and how to include online AA groups in the AA Service Structure, whether to change the first 164 pages of the big book, whether to develop a 5th edition of the big book, whether to revise Corrections literature, removing the words “inmate” and “offender” Considering a draft plan to develop podcasts, and more.

Please mark your calendars and join us. We’d like to have as many AA members from our area attending as possible, ensuring our Delegate is fully informed. Bring your Sponsors and Sponsees. For more information see the Events Page.

Answering Service

March 29 - April 4 Bel Air Wednesday Night
April 5 - April 11 Bel Air Women's Big Book
April 12 - April 18 Bel Air Big Book
April 19 - April 25 Rule 62

You can reach the Answering Service Chair at


* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date
28 March
Jack F Recovering Spirit Group * 40 years
Robert H Port In a Storm * 13 years
30 March
Ernie T Third Tradition * 4 years
Jim M Solution for Living * 10 years
Leah N Sisters of Sobriety † 7 years
Rachel H Bel Air Women Group - Open To All † 7 years
31 March
Dennis F North East Big Book † 2 years
02 April
John D Sobriety on Friday * 1 year
06 April
David T Third Tradition * 9 years
Helen C Bel Air Womens Group † 48 years
Jerry S We Are Not Saints † 4 years
07 April
Monica Joppa Twelve Step * 2 years
10 April
Billy D New Beginnings * 23 years
11 April
Alan L Sunday Morning Now * 37 years
Pat W Recovering Spirit Group * 5 years
Sharon F ‡ Delta Big Book 3 years
14 April
Rhonda A North East Big Book * 17 years
15 April
Steve H Any Lengths † 4 years
17 April
John H Early Bird Group * 28 years
* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date

Final Thought:

"The slogans on the walls, which at first made me shudder, began to impress me as truths I could live by: 'One Day at a Time', 'Easy Does It', 'Keep It Simple', ' Live and Let Live', 'Let Go and Let God', 'The Serenity Prayer'. "

Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 345

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498