from the Chair
"We all deserve a pat on the back from each other . . . either virtually or safely in-person. Together we continue to 'walk through it' and 'do the next right thing' all the while helping each other get through this past unprecedented year – safe and sober. It’s been one year of dealing with the Pandemic. We all remember how important a one-year milestone is . . .
Please help me welcome Kelly U. our new Ways and Means Committee Chair. She along with the rest of the fellowship are eager to get back to our famed events: breakfasts, picnics, bingo, etc. We continue to monitor daily events, 'stay right where we’re standing' throughout the state and local areas. The plan is to wait until at least June before sponsoring a large in-person event.
Please continue to practice COVID-19 mitigation techniques: masks, social distancing, and washing your hands. Thank you for patiently finding ingenious ways to continue to fellowship - virtually, in-person, and hybrid, etc.
Serenity to me is learning to live a calm and untroubled life . . . I look forward to continuing serving each and every member, carrying the message.
Rex, Love in Service"
A.A. Grapevine's Upcoming Calls for Articles: YOU can submit an article to the Grapevine! Article guidelines and suggestions can be found at this link: Submission Guidelines
Cooperation With Professionals (CPC) (stories due April 15, 2021) Have you participated in CPC service (providing doctors, therapists, clergy, lawyers, parole officers, and other professionals information about AA)? Share your experiences. Did a professional help you find your way to AA because of CPC service work?