Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours Posted on Website

Week of July 18, 2021

. . . wings to fly

"Alcohol gave me wings to fly,/ And then it took away the sky."

Experience, Strength and Hope, p. 294

Upcoming Events

Office News

Special Thanks to Jane McK. for celebrating her 19 year Anniversary with her Birthday Plan Contribution. And thank you for your continued support of the Intergroup. Thanks to all the groups and individuals who continue to support the Intergroup through contributions and service. Special Thanks go to All for celebrating their Anniversaries with a Birthday Plan Contribution. A PayPal account is set up for contributions and is accessible on the Contribute page. Contributions are also gladly accepted by check in the mail, cash or check in person during office hours at NEMDAA Intergroup at 28 Centennial Lane, Aberdeen, MD 21001.

TWELVE STEP CALL LIST 2021 "Help carry the message to other alcoholics. You can help when no one else can." Please return the completed form to the Intergroup office by July 30. Twelve Step Call List Sign Up Form. Return the completed form to the Intergroup office by July 30.


July 21st - District 28 Monthly Meeting. The meeting will start at 7 PM in person at Bel Air United Methodist Church, Room 202, 21 Linwood Ave, Bel Air. For more information you can send email to

July 26th - TRAIN THE TRAINER Virtual Meeting at 7 PM - Cooperation with Professional Community (CPC) Training. For more and to register see CPC Trainer Flyer.

July 27th - Monthly Grapevine Committee Meeting - meeting virtually at 6:30. See Events Page for meeting information. All are welcome, Group and District Grapevine Reps encouraged to attend.

July 27th - Monthly Intergroup Council Meeting - meeting virtually at 7 PM. See Events Page for meeting information and documents. Please join us and give your Home Group a vote.

RECENT Home Group/Meeting UPDATES AND RE-OPENINGS.. All meeting info can be found under the Meetings tab on the website.

NORTH EAST BIG BOOK starting July 7th - August 4th meeting at St. MaryAnn's Parish Hall.

NEW MEETING - ABERDEEN - 7 PM Wednesday SOBER VOICES - Aberdeen Shopping Plaza near Ollies.



To find meetings please visit the Meetings tab on the website or you can view/print a PDF version of the NEMDAA DIRECTORY updated weekly. (updated July 22, 2021)

Special Area Assembly on Monday, August 16th from 7 PM - 9 PM. The Assembly will be meeting virtually to discuss proposed agenda items for the 72nd General Service Conference. If you want to have input in changes that could effect A.A. Literature or other governing principles of A.A. at Large, please attend. Give your Home Group a vote. For more information see the Events Page.

A.A. Grapevine, Inc. is happy to announce that A.A. Grapevine and La Viña magazines are on Instagram. You can see the Daily Quote each morning, know when our new magazine issues release, learn about new books and be inspired by both A.A. pioneers and today’s members. The hope is that through Instagram we’ll help members stay connected to Grapevine and La Viña, and to A.A. as a whole, by finding inspiration when engaging with this social media platform. We also hope to attract those who might benefit by learning more about Alcoholics Anonymous. To follow us on Instagram, use these addresses: alcoholicsanonymous_gv @alcoholicosanonimos_lv. For more information see the Events Page


Institutions Committee

The Institutions Committee is asking for volunteers to help organize and track commitments. Also, they are looking for individuals with computer skills to help publish the Institutions Schedule. Please contact Frank at or Rex at


For all his many years of service to Alcoholics Anonymous . . . we send our condolences to the family and Home Group of Steve D. founding member of the Fallston Saturday Early Group and a long time member of our fellowship. He would have celebrated 45 years of Sobriety on July 24th. Our prayers are with his family and friends. . . . we love and miss you.

from the chair . . .

"As we continue the transition back to in-person meetings, one can certainly feel the air of conviviality, fellowship and unity filling the rooms of A.A., simply Amazing! Please be respectful of the members’ own personal space, as we are many and varied. We will see people with or without masks, holding hands or choosing not to hold hands, maybe a hug or no hug. These are all personal choices and A.A. accommodates all… the only requirement is a desire to stop drinking.

A huge thank you and “shout-out” goes out to the Website/Technology Committee, Office Staff and Volunteers - please say thank you to them all. The directory, meeting listings, website, and bulletins continue to be updated and maintained at an unprecedented pace. This is a vital service provided to our Fellowship. Service before self… what an astonishing feat to behold.

Spiritual Experiences will surprise you when you least expect it, especially if you are into Action… we stay out of our own heads and help another suffering alcoholic. You have to give it away in order to keep it."

Rex, Love in Service

Answering Service

July 19 - July 25 Bel Air Wednesday Night
July 26 - August 1 Bel Air Women's Big Book
August 2 - August 8 Bel Air Big Book
August 9 - August 15 Rule 62

You can reach the Answering Service Chair at


* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date
18 July
Bernie H Sunday Morning Now * 1 year
Gil E Good News Group * 24 years
20 July
Brian F Sober by the Bay * 1 year
21 July
Phil A Joppa Twelve Step * 22 years
22 July
James B Never Too Early * 5 years
Tim C One Day at a Time * 6 years
Vicki S Any Lengths * 4 years
23 July
Frank M Sobriety on Friday * 11 years
26 July
Bob N Bel Air Big Book * 16 years
27 July
James M Third Tradition * 1 year
Rich T Third Tradition * 3 years
Trevor M Third Tradition * 1 year
28 July
Dave B THINK Group * 15 years
29 July
Cindy H Pursuit of Happiness * 5 years
Colleen F Pursuit of Happiness * 5 years
Jane J Came To Believe 13 years
Mark S Living the Steps * 2 years
30 July
Alex J Sobriety on Friday * 3 years
Bob G Forest Hill Friday Night * 14 years
Steffani M Daily Reflections * 3 years
31 July
Paul P Fallston Early Saturday * 3 years
01 August
John C Start Living * 2 years
Matt C Sunday Morning Now * 1 year
02 August
Susan Y Bel Air Big Book * 1 year
03 August
Jason B Sober by the Bay * 1 year
Rex T By the Book * 5 years
04 August
Jonathan C Rule 62 * 2 years
Mike P THINK Group * 36 years
05 August
Kevin K Thirsty Thursday * 3 years
06 August
Jonathan T North East Friday Night * 13 years
07 August
Bob C Jarrettsville Twelve Step * 28 years
* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date

Final Thought:

"It would be difficult, if not impossible, for me to put into words the change that has taken place in me. . . As a result of this experience I am convinced that to seek is to find, to ask is to be given. The day never passes that I do not silently cry out in thankfulness, not merely for my release from alcohol, but even more for a change that has given life new meaning, dignity, and beauty."

Experience, Strength and Hope, p.106,107

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498