August 11th District 30 Monthly Meeting at 7 PM on Zoom. Please spread the word. Meeting ID: 827 7522 1425. Passcode: 770711 . You can also Dial In at 929 205 6099. For more information you can contact the District at
August 15th - YOU can submit an article to the Grapevine! Submission guidelines can be found at this link: A.A. GRAPEVINE GUIDELINES. Getting Through Tough Times. A serious illness, divorce, the death of a loved one, a house fire, loss of a job, bankruptcy…How do we stay sober through adversity? Send in your story. Tell us how you stayed sane and sober. Full editorial calendar is here: GRAPEVINE CALENDAR.
Special Area Assembly on Monday, August 16th from 7 PM - 9 PM. The Assembly will be meeting virtually to discuss proposed agenda items for the 72nd General Service Conference. If you want to have input in changes that could effect A.A. Literature or other governing principles of A.A. at Large, please attend. For more information see the Events Page. Give your Home Group a vote.
August 28th - WORKSHOP - HYBRID - 2 PM - 4:30 PM - Service - Sobriety In Action. Please join us In-Person or Virtually. In-Person attendance is limited to 40 people - TO REGISTER Go to EVENTS PAGE for registration link. Virtually Room has 100 person capacity - no registration is required. Speakers start at 2:10PM. Discover how you can be of service outside of your home group and grown in A.A. You are needed to carry the message
September 3rd 6:30 PM - DISTRICT 11 ELECTIONS – In Person. A.A. OF CECIL COUNTY NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT. Is your home group in Cecil County? YOU HAVE THE FREEDOM TO VOTE. Open Positions: District Committee Member (D.C.M.), Alternate D.C.M., Secretary, and Treasurer. HELP FILL OUR POSITIONS & LET’S GET ACTIVE AGAIN!!!. For more information and flyer see Events Page.
SAVE THE DATE - SEPTEMBER 4TH (rain date - Sept. 5th) - PERRY POINT PICNIC - All Invited Sponsored by the Intergroup to serve the Veterans and our fellowship. Food, AA and Alanon Speaker, Fun for the kids, Fellowship, and Jack F.'s awesome Puppet Show. For more information see the EVENTS PAGE.
To find meetings please visit the Meetings tab on the website or you can view/print a PDF version of the NEMDAA DIRECTORY updated weekly.