Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours Posted on Website

Week of August 8, 2021

. . . a transforming experience

"To begin with, a spiritual awakening is our means of finding sobriety. And to us of AA sobriety means life itself. We know that a spiritual experience is the key to survival from alcoholism and that for most of us it is the only key. We must awake or we die."

The Language of the Heart, p. 233 - 234

Upcoming Events

Office News

August's Featured Literature: Grapevine's "Spiritual Awakenings: Journey of the Spirit" In 1946, Bill W. described Grapevine as a "collective voice" for AA. Here is a collection of those distinct and varied voices, spanning almost sixty years. Spiritual Awakenings presents the stories of AAs as they describe with warmth, passion, and humor the diverse ways in which the "sunlight of the spirit" has come into their lives.

Thank you to all the groups and individuals who continue to support the Intergroup through contributions and service. Special Thanks to Mike A. for celebrating his anniversary with a contribution to the NEMDAA Intergroup and to All who have celebrated their Anniversaries with a Birthday Plan Contribution. A PayPal account is set up for contributions and is accessible on the Contribute page. Contributions are also gladly accepted by check in the mail, cash or check in person during office hours at NEMDAA Intergroup at 28 Centennial Lane, Aberdeen, MD 21001.

TWELVE STEP CALL LIST 2021 Many thanks to those who have returned the completed form to the Intergroup office. Twelve Step Call List Sign Up Form. Please continue to return the list through the month of August - we still need more members to Volunteer for all Areas. "Carry this message to other alcoholics. You can help when no one else can." from Alcoholics Anonymous, page 89.


August 11th District 30 Monthly Meeting  at 7 PM on Zoom.  Please spread the word. Meeting ID: 827 7522 1425. Passcode: 770711 . You can also Dial In at 929 205 6099. For more information you can contact the District at

August 15th - YOU can submit an article to the Grapevine! Submission guidelines can be found at this link: A.A. GRAPEVINE GUIDELINES. Getting Through Tough Times. A serious illness, divorce, the death of a loved one, a house fire, loss of a job, bankruptcy…How do we stay sober through adversity? Send in your story. Tell us how you stayed sane and sober. Full editorial calendar is here: GRAPEVINE CALENDAR.

Special Area Assembly on Monday, August 16th from 7 PM - 9 PM. The Assembly will be meeting virtually to discuss proposed agenda items for the 72nd General Service Conference. If you want to have input in changes that could effect A.A. Literature or other governing principles of A.A. at Large, please attend. For more information see the Events Page. Give your Home Group a vote.

August 28th - WORKSHOP - HYBRID - 2 PM - 4:30 PM - Service - Sobriety In Action. Please join us In-Person or Virtually. In-Person attendance is limited to 40 people - TO REGISTER Go to EVENTS PAGE for registration link. Virtually Room has 100 person capacity - no registration is required. Speakers start at 2:10PM. Discover how you can be of service outside of your home group and grown in A.A. You are needed to carry the message

September 3rd 6:30 PM - DISTRICT 11 ELECTIONS – In Person. A.A. OF CECIL COUNTY NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT. Is your home group in Cecil County? YOU HAVE THE FREEDOM TO VOTE. Open Positions: District Committee Member (D.C.M.), Alternate D.C.M., Secretary, and Treasurer. HELP FILL OUR POSITIONS & LET’S GET ACTIVE AGAIN!!!. For more information and flyer see Events Page.

SAVE THE DATE - SEPTEMBER 4TH (rain date - Sept. 5th) - PERRY POINT PICNIC - All Invited Sponsored by the Intergroup to serve the Veterans and our fellowship. Food, AA and Alanon Speaker, Fun for the kids, Fellowship, and Jack F.'s awesome Puppet Show. For more information see the EVENTS PAGE.

To find meetings please visit the Meetings tab on the website or you can view/print a PDF version of the NEMDAA DIRECTORY updated weekly.


Institutions Committee

The Institutions Committee is asking for volunteers to help organize and track commitments. Also, they are looking for individuals with computer skills to help publish the Institutions Schedule. Please contact Frank at or Rex at


For all of her many years of service to Alcoholics Anonymous . . . we send our condolences to the family and Home Group of Catherine H. She was a member of the Tuesday Night Forest Hill Group and brought many meetings to those suffering in Hospitals and Institutions. Our prayers are with her family and friends. . . . we love and miss you.

The Ways and Means Committee is looking for VOLUNTEERS to help with the Fall Picnic's children's activities... Games, Crafts and Face painting. If interested, please email Kelly U. at or call the Intergroup Office at 410-272-4150.

From the chair....
"Please help me welcome Allison H. from the Start Living Group in Havre de Grace as the new Answering Service Committee Chair. She is already “into action” with keeping the NEMDAA telephone hotline available 24-hours a day when the Intergroup Office staff are not physically in the office. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, “We” want the hand of A.A. always to be there.
Thank you for everyone’s 12-step calling list submissions. We need help with updating our old list and validating the members that have so graciously answered the call to be available for the newcomer. If you are interested in assisting, please email myself, or Allison H. at
Spiritual Experiences will surprise you when you least expect it, especially if you are into Action… we stay out of our own heads and help another suffering alcoholic. You have to give it away in order to keep it."
Rex, Love in Service

Members of the Fellowship have asked for your support for the Tuesday Night Meeting on Rumsey Island. The H.O.W. Group meets at the Church of the Resurrection at 700 Anchor Drive in Joppa. The group starts at 7:30 PM.

Members of Twelve Step Group of Bel Air have asked for your support for their Home Group. The group meets at 7 PM on Tuesdays at the Mann House.

Answering Service

August 23 - August 29 Living The Steps
August 30 - September 5 Happy Hour

You can reach the Answering Service Chair at


* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date
09 August
Derek S Rising Sun Group * 1 year
11 August
Patrick R Joppa Twelve Step * 9 years
12 August
Katy B Came To Believe * 29 years
13 August
Bill C North East Friday Night * 34 years
Steve S Happy Hour * 26 years
Yogi S Sobriety on Friday * 1 year
14 August
Ray C Rising Sun Big Book * 2 years
15 August
Michael A Good News Group * 35 years
17 August
JC Third Tradition * 3 years
Tom L By the Book * 27 years
18 August
Jim Mc Joppa Twelve Step * 41 years
Tom P North East Big Book * 8 years
19 August
Kris S Any Lengths * 2 years
Michael C Higher Power * 1 year
22 August
Dave-Rev SOS Group * 29 years
24 August
Piet J Sober by the Bay * 14 years
25 August
Brandon C Rule 62 * 2 years
Chris K Joppa Twelve Step * 10 years
Kevin B THINK Group * 9 years
26 August
Andrew W Never Too Early * 1 year
Johnny E Any Lengths * 15 years
Kim K Darlington 12 Step * 2 years
27 August
Ed D Forest Hill Friday Night * 3 years
28 August
Bill H Jarrettsville Twelve Step * 10 years
Dexter Starting Foundation * 4 years
Layne Y Fallston Early Saturday * 2 years
* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date

Final Thought:

"I now see that awakening and growing is something that never need stop and that growing pains are never to be feared, provided I am willing to learn the truth about myself from them. "

The Language of the Heart, p. 235

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498