Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours Posted on Website

Week of December 19, 2021

The Responsibility

The Language of the Heart, p.328

Upcoming Events

Office News

HOLIDAY OFFICE HOURS The Office will be open Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve from 10am to 2pm. The Office will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day.



December 28th - NEMDAA Monthly Intergroup Meeting- HYBRID at 7 PM IN PERSON at the office at 28 Centennial Lane or


POT LUCK DINNER Monday, December 20th starting at 6 PM at



Institutions Committee

As we approach the beginning of a new year, we are all hoping that we can start taking meetings into hospitals, jails and institutions again. A lot of our new members have never experienced carrying the message into Perry Point, Harford County Detention Center or one of the many other facilities that we served. Please talk with the newcomers about the experiences you have had over the years taking meeting into those who can't get out and carrying the message of recovery.


We're inviting you to be a part of Grapevine's Audio Project. We’re back collecting stories from the Fellowship in the form of audio recordings, and we’d love to hear yours! See

Answering Service

You can reach the Answering Service Chair at


* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date
20 December
Mike B Emmorton Beginners * 35 years
21 December
Bill L HOW * 34 years
Herb F Third Tradition * 8 years
Spiro K Third Tradition * 41 years
22 December
Josh L Joppa Twelve Step * 2 years
23 December
Frank M Just For Us Guys * 1 year
Joe S Came to Believe * 22 years
Shannon M Living the Steps * 4 years
24 December
Kenny J Happy Hour * 2 years
26 December
Chris C Sunday Morning Now * 4 years
27 December
Les Emmorton Beginners * 29 years
28 December
Alan M Three Legacies * 14 years
Bob T ‡ The Point Is 7 years
John V By the Book * 4 years
Patrick W Third Tradition * 1 year
Will P H.O.W. Group * 1 year
29 December
Mindy J Joppa Twelve Step * 1 year
Reyna W Providence Group * 4 years
31 December
Amber W Sobriety on Friday * 2 years
02 January
Alan L Sunday Morning Now * 38 years
Jeff P ‡ Sunday Reflections 20 years
04 January
Andrew D Bel Air Twelve Step * 8 years
Chris C Three Legacies * 38 years
Christine F Sisters of Sobriety * 11 years
Lacy S We Are Not Saints † 12 years
06 January
Joanne P Came to Believe * 6 years
Mike M One Day at a Time * 19 years
Ray F Bel Air Group - Red Door * 7 years
07 January
Dave A NE Friday Night Group * 10 years
Rondi S Happy Hour * 21 years
* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date

Final Thought:

"Let us . . . accord each other the respect and love that is due to every human being as he tries to make his way toward the light. Let us always try to be inclusive rather than exclusive; let us remember that each alcoholic among us is a member of AA, so long as he or she so declares."

The Language of the Heart, p.333

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498