Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours Posted on Website

Week of January 30, 2022

The Acid Test

Emotional Sobriety, p. 34

Upcoming Events

Office News

Special Thanks to Frank M. celebrating his anniversary with a generous contribution and to All who have celebrated their Anniversaries with a

FEATURED LITERATURE: EMOTIONAL SOBRIETY: The Next Frontier Growing up in sobriety means different things to each recovering alcoholic, but one idea seems true: The rewards for reaching for emotional sobriety are serenity, emotional balance and increased joy for living. These selected stories from the AA Grapevine show that when people in recover have the willingness to work the program to find solutions rather than stay stuck in problems, they can let go of fear, put aside selfish demands, practice outgoing love and become more connected to their Higher Power, family and fellows.



February 9th - District 30 Monthly Meeting is on


On January 25, 2022, the Intergroup APPROVED an amendment to the By-Laws in regards to the standing committees. The Answering Service and Website/ Technology committees have both been added as standing committees, in conjunction to and with the Finance and Institutions Committees. For more information, please see


Maryland General Service Area 29 NEWS:

CONTRA Workshop every Thursday from 9 PM - 10 PM on Zoom. Meeting ID: 860 6152 9673. Passcode: 330331. We invite all A.A. members to this virtual study of the CONcepts, TRAditions & The A.A. Service Manual. For more information see the

February 7th -


Institutions Committee

Our commitments to hospitals, institutions and other facilities continue to be on hold due to visitors restrictions.


from the Chair . . .

Happy New Year, 2022, to all fellowship members of Districts 11, 28 and 30. We get through this life, one day at a time, and continually strive, to the best of our abilities, to strengthen our spiritual condition. When things get tough, you taught me (us) to reach out and help another.

Our Ways and Means Committee is doing just that… we are pleased to announce our NEMDAA Awareness and Bingo event to be held Saturday February 19th, 2022 at the Level Volunteer Fire Hall in Havre de Grace. The doors will open at 6:30pm and the event will go from 7pm-10pm. Individually wrapped snacks, water and soda will be available for minimal purchase.

Many of our elected officers and committee chairs will be there, so if you haven’t met them, this will be a great opportunity to do so. A brief overview of the Northeastern Maryland Intergroup, its mission, and what it provides will be presented. Books and literature will be available for purchase.

Safety is our number 1 priority. We will honor the CDC guidelines and the wishes of Level Fire Hall. Prayerfully, conditions will continue to improve 4 weeks from now. If you are not feeling well that day, we respectfully request that you refrain from attending.

The tickets are $15 each and are available at the Intergroup Office at 28 Centennial Lane, Aberdeen. Several members have agreed to take blocks (10 each) of tickets to meetings around the area to help promote the event. If you need a ticket or want to sell tickets for the event, please call our IG Office at (410) 272-4150.
I hope you can join us at this fellowship event!

Rex, Love in Service

Answering Service

You can reach the Answering Service Chair at


* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date
31 January
Greg Y Monday Night Raw * 1 year
02 February
Ben G Joppa Twelve Step * 4 years
Jeremy H Rule 62 * 2 years
03 February
Ray A Darlington Thursday Night * 13 years
04 February
Hamilton S North East Friday Night * 23 years
05 February
Jack M New Beginnings * 4 years
06 February
Carol Ann S Sunday Reflections * 6 years
Doug M Attraction Rather Than Promotion * 3 years
Luke K SOS Group * 5 years
Sara P Delta Big Book * 32 years
08 February
Jim O Third Tradition * 23 years
John B Freedom Group * 32 years
Keith S HOW Group * 5 years
10 February
Harvey B Came To Believe * 8 years
11 February
Jeff R Happy Hour * 11 years
12 February
Bob C Hickory Group * 31 years
Caleb D Early Bird * 1 year
13 February
Nancy W Sunday Morning Now * 15 years
14 February
Piper T Monday Night Raw * 9 years
15 February
Bill P By the Book * 8 years
Jim V Third Tradition * 18 years
Lindsey T Sisters of Sobriety * 6 years
Michael F Sober by the Bay * 2 years
16 February
Charlie THINK Group * 17 years
Sue C THINK Group * 12 years
17 February
Derek Z Bel Air Group - Red Door * 2 years
Fran P North East Twelve and Twelve * 26 years
Jeanne S Any Lengths * 6 years
Jenn T Bel Air Womens BB * 1 year
Matt H Living the Steps * 10 years
18 February
Brian S Spesutia * 34 years
19 February
Doug E New Beginnings * 1 year
Kat W Fresh Start Group * 41 years
Kris K Fallston Early Saturday Group * 8 years
Mary Ellen B Saturday Meditation * 1 year
* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date

Final Thought:

"There are winners and whiners, and sometimes I seem to embody both. I am, as my friends remind me, a human being."

Emotional Sobriety, p. 34

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498