Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours Posted on Website

Week of February 13, 2022

The Crux of the AA Method

"The Second Step contains the crux of the AA method of getting well: it shows us how to expel that little streak of insanity which caused so many relapses into debauchery long after the normal drinker would have shrunk from another drink."

Step by Step, p. 16

Upcoming Events

Office News

FEATURED LITERATURE: STEP BY STEP: Real AAs, Real Recovery shows how AA members of all ages, from all lifestyles and from around the world, followers of mainstream religions and atheists, newcomers and old-timers, have recovered and found a new way of life by working the Twelve Steps. Here is a variety of experiences that AAs have written about the Steps and sent to the Grapevine over the course of its existence, from the 1940s to the present.



February 16th - District 28 Monthly Meeting. In Person at Bel Air United Methodist Church 21 Linwood Ave, Library (2nd floor) or on Zoom or Dial In at 646 876 9923. Meeting ID: 988 561 607. Passcode: 754350.. For more information email

SAVE THE DATE - March 26th - District 11 Grapevine Workshop - 8am-2pm at Immaculate Conception Church, Elkton. Light breakfast and Lunch will be included. For more info, see Events Calendar


TICKETS GOING FAST! NEMDAA Winter Bingo! Saturday, February 19th 7 PM - 10PM at Level Firehouse 3633 Level Village Road, Havre de Grace. Tickets are on sale at the Intergroup Office. $15 each. Please call for availability. See Events Calendar

Intergroup Monthly Meeting -Tuesday February 22nd at 7 PM IN PERSON at 28 Centennial Lane or on Zoom.  Dial In at 301 715 8592. Meeting ID: 837 2163 6986. Passcode: nemdaa or 425203. Please join us and give your Home Group a vote.


FEBRUARY 26th - Plug In the Jug - Elkton - Cancelled.

Here's the latest NEMDAA DIRECTORY UPDATE. You can get printed copies in the office or you can print directly from the link.


February 19th - Maryland General Service Area 29 Committee Meeting - HYBRID MEETING. The virtual doors open at 8:45 a.m. and the meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. IN PERSON MEETING is at Christian Temple Church, 5820 Edmondson Ave, Catonsville, MD 21228. We will pass the basket to offset costs for bottled water, coffee & packaged snack items. Please bring your own lunch. Masks are required except when eating, drinking & speaking at mic. See Event Page for Virtual Meeting Information.

February 20th Virtual Meeting - HOMEBOUND Presentation from Area 6. We are excited to bring you an incredible presentation from Area 6 District 70, about an Intergroup initiative from Tri-Valley CA to organize a Homebound volunteer system. You will receive answers to questions like: “What is a homebound need? What is the Homebound program? She will show the steps they use to implement the action; and the volunteer process that comes with some necessary training before you plan to visit someone’s home. See the Events Page for more information.

SAVE THE DATE June 24th - June 26th for the 50th Annual Area 29 Maryland State Convention - FIFTY YEARS – One Day at a Time. You can print this flyer to register REGISTRATION FLYER. Register early there is limited capacity. Speakers starting at 1 PM on Friday and go through Sunday at 10 AM. Workshops and special events all weekend. Come and join the fellowship. Unity, Recovery, and Service!


Institutions Committee

Our commitments to hospitals, institutions and other facilities continue to be on hold due to visitors restrictions.


We offer our condolences and prayers to the family and Home Group of Shirley B., who passed away on February 2, 2022. She was a long-standing member of the Edgewood Noon Group, and we are grateful for her many years of service to A.A. We love and miss you.

ALL A.A. MEMBERS are welcome and encouraged to attend the Northeast Regional Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly - NERAASA February 25th - 27th in Pittsburgh, PA. The purpose of NERAASA is for General Service Representatives (GSR's), District Committee Members (DCM's), Area Officers, Area Committee Members, District Committee Members, and Intergroup/Central Office Representatives of the Northeast Region to discuss General Service Conference related issues and concerns affecting A.A. as a whole, as well as pertinent aspects of recovery, unity and service common to the areas of the Northeast Region. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF NERAASA.

Volunteers needed for event planning for Ways and Means committee. Please contact Kelly through the Intergroup Office.

Carry the message with an interview. If you have part of the history of your group or know someone who does, how about an interview? The archivist is happy to interview you about your group’s history and the people who put your group on the AA map. please contact Mark at

Answering Service

February 14 - February 20 Providence Group
February 21 - February 27 New Beginnings
February 28 - March 6 3rd Tradition
March 7 - March 13 Bel Air

You can reach the Answering Service Chair at


* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date
13 February
Nancy W Sunday Morning Now * 15 years
14 February
Piper T Monday Night Raw * 9 years
15 February
Bill P By the Book * 8 years
Jim V Third Tradition * 18 years
Lindsey T Sisters of Sobriety * 6 years
Michael F Sober by the Bay * 2 years
16 February
Charlie THINK Group * 17 years
Sue C THINK Group * 12 years
17 February
Derek Z Bel Air Group - Red Door * 2 years
Fran P North East Twelve and Twelve * 26 years
Jeanne S Any Lengths * 6 years
Jenn T Bel Air Womens BB * 1 year
Matt H Living the Steps * 10 years
18 February
Brian S Spesutia * 34 years
19 February
Doug E New Beginnings * 1 year
Kat W Fresh Start Group * 41 years
Kris K Fallston Early Saturday Group * 8 years
Mary Ellen B Saturday Meditation * 1 year
21 February
Dee D Emmorton Beginners * 10 years
22 February
Bonny B Right Road 12 %252525252526 12 * 26 years
Marvin N We Are Not Saints † 7 years
Troy S Sober by the Bay * 35 years
23 February
Scott O Rule 62 * 3 years
24 February
Karen S Bel Air Womens BB * 45 years
28 February
Robin S Caring and Sharing * 30 years
01 March
Laurie S Sisters of Sobriety * 8 years
Mary K Third Tradition * 2 years
Paige C Three Legacies * 30 years
02 March
Chuck S. THINK Group * 35 years
04 March
Brian R Sobriety on Friday * 4 years
* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date

Final Thought:

"Clearly, the chief mark of restoration to sanity is our not taking the first drink."

Step by Step, p. 18

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498