March 11th - District 11 Monthly Meetingat 6:30 PM at Bethel Lutheran Church in North East MD.
SAVE THE DATE - March 26th - District 11 Grapevine Workshop - 8am-2pm at Immaculate Conception Church, Elkton. Light breakfast and Lunch will be included. For more info, see Events Calendar
Intergroup Monthly Meeting -Tuesday February 22nd at 7 PM IN PERSON at 28 Centennial Lane or on Zoom. Dial In at 301 715 8592. Meeting ID: 837 2163 6986. Passcode: nemdaa or 425203. Please join us and give your Home Group a vote.
FEBRUARY 26th - Plug In the Jug - Elkton - Cancelled.
Here's the latest NEMDAA DIRECTORY UPDATE. You can get printed copies in the office or you can print directly from the link.
February 20th Virtual Meeting - Accessibilities Committee Meeting on Zoom 4 pm or Dial In at 929 205 6099. Meeting ID: 841 2499 3206. Passcode: 326186. Spanish Interpretation Provided. HOMEBOUND Presentation from Area 6. We are excited to bring you an incredible presentation from Area 6 District 70, about an Intergroup initiative from Tri-Valley CA to organize a Homebound volunteer system. You will receive answers to questions like: “What is a homebound need? What is the Homebound program? She will show the steps they use to implement the action; and the volunteer process that comes with some necessary training before you plan to visit someone’s home. See the Events Page for more information.
SAVE THE DATE June 24th - June 26th for the 50th Annual Area 29 Maryland State Convention - FIFTY YEARS – One Day at a Time. You can print this flyer to register REGISTRATION FLYER. Register early there is limited capacity. Speakers starting at 1 PM on Friday and go through Sunday at 10 AM. Workshops and special events all weekend. Come and join the fellowship. Unity, Recovery, and Service!