Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours Posted on Website

Week of February 20, 2022

. . . not needing the crutch of alcohol

"Then there was that glorious first memory of freedom, the rapture of not needing the crutch of alcohol - the especial joys of self-forgiveness, the regeneration of hope, and the rebirth of faith. There was the bonus of self-respect, of forgiving and liking oneself as whole person, in a whole family and a whole community."

Voices of Long-Term Sobriety, p. 18

Upcoming Events

Office News

FEATURED LITERATURE: VOICES OF LONG-TERM SOBRIETY: Old-timers Stories From AA Grapevine is a powerful collection of stories by longtime AA members about staying sober for many years through good times and bad. The stories tell how they drank, found AA and got sober as well as vivid descriptions of the early days of AA. Their stories have the gift of perspective and show that sobriety is a journey, not a destination. From the pages of Grapevine, the International Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous.



March 11th - District 11 Monthly Meetingat 6:30 PM at Bethel Lutheran Church in North East MD.

SAVE THE DATE - March 26th - District 11 Grapevine Workshop - 8am-2pm at Immaculate Conception Church, Elkton. Light breakfast and Lunch will be included. For more info, see Events Calendar


Intergroup Monthly Meeting -Tuesday February 22nd at 7 PM IN PERSON at 28 Centennial Lane or on Zoom.  Dial In at 301 715 8592. Meeting ID: 837 2163 6986. Passcode: nemdaa or 425203. Please join us and give your Home Group a vote.


FEBRUARY 26th - Plug In the Jug - Elkton - Cancelled.

Here's the latest NEMDAA DIRECTORY UPDATE. You can get printed copies in the office or you can print directly from the link.


February 20th Virtual Meeting - Accessibilities Committee Meeting on Zoom 4 pm or Dial In at 929 205 6099. Meeting ID: 841 2499 3206. Passcode: 326186. Spanish Interpretation Provided. HOMEBOUND Presentation from Area 6. We are excited to bring you an incredible presentation from Area 6 District 70, about an Intergroup initiative from Tri-Valley CA to organize a Homebound volunteer system. You will receive answers to questions like: “What is a homebound need? What is the Homebound program? She will show the steps they use to implement the action; and the volunteer process that comes with some necessary training before you plan to visit someone’s home. See the Events Page for more information.

SAVE THE DATE June 24th - June 26th for the 50th Annual Area 29 Maryland State Convention - FIFTY YEARS – One Day at a Time. You can print this flyer to register REGISTRATION FLYER. Register early there is limited capacity. Speakers starting at 1 PM on Friday and go through Sunday at 10 AM. Workshops and special events all weekend. Come and join the fellowship. Unity, Recovery, and Service!


Institutions Committee

Our commitments to hospitals, institutions and other facilities continue to be on hold due to visitors restrictions.


ALL A.A. MEMBERS are welcome and encouraged to attend the Northeast Regional Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly - NERAASA February 25th - 27th in Pittsburgh, PA. In you are interested in service in A.A. the NERAASA Convention is a great place to learn more about A.A. as a whole, as well as pertinent aspects of recovery, unity and service common to the areas of the Northeast Region. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF NERAASA.

Volunteers needed for event planning for Ways and Means committee. Please contact Kelly through the Intergroup Office.

Carry the message with an interview. If you have part of the history of your group or know someone who does, how about an interview? The archivist is happy to interview you about your group’s history and the people who put your group on the AA map. please contact Mark at

We offer our condolences and prayers to the family and Home Group of Don A. He was a long-standing member of North East Twelve & Twelve and Sober by the Bay Groups. We are grateful for his 51 years of service to A.A. We love and miss you.

Answering Service

March 7 - March 13 Bel Air
March 14 - March 20 Bel Air Women's Big Book

You can reach the Answering Service Chair at


* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date
21 February
Dee D Emmorton Beginners * 10 years
22 February
Bonny B Right Road 12 and 12 * 26 years
Marvin N We Are Not Saints † 7 years
Troy S Sober by the Bay * 35 years
23 February
Scott O Rule 62 * 3 years
24 February
Karen S Bel Air Womens BB * 45 years
28 February
Katie W Rising Sun Group * 12 years
Paul M Cut It Out * 1 year
Robin S Caring and Sharing * 30 years
01 March
Laurie S Sisters of Sobriety * 8 years
Mary K Third Tradition * 2 years
Paige C Three Legacies * 30 years
02 March
Chuck S. THINK Group * 35 years
03 March
Rachel T One Day at a time * 3 years
04 March
Brian R Sobriety on Friday * 4 years
05 March
Eleni vB Living Sober * 3 years
Matt C Fallston Early Saturday Grp * 1 year
07 March
Bryan B Rising Sun Group * 11 years
Lawrence M Monday Night Raw * 9 years
Mike B Monday Night Raw * 8 years
Monroe B Emmorton Beginners * 21 years
08 March
Chris K Third Tradition * 18 years
Dan Jr Three Legacies * 9 years
Rob K Twelve Step Group * 28 years
09 March
Bill F Joppa Twelve Step * 32 years
Rhonda A North East Big Book * 18 years
Shawn B THINK Group * 5 years
10 March
Jack H Bel Air Group- Red Door * 40 years
Kelly C Bel Air Womens Big Book * 4 years
12 March
Cassandra S Living Sober * 5 years
Kristen M New Beginnings * 1 year
* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date

Final Thought:

"I'm very grateful for all that I've achieved in AA: recovery, sobriety, contentment, and the opportunity to share all that I was so generously given. "

Voices of Long-Term Sobriety, p. 18

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498