"Because it has now become plain enough that only a recovered alcoholic can do much for a sick alcoholic, a tremendous responsibility has descended upon us all, an obligation so great that it amounts to a sacred trust. For to our kind, those who suffer alcoholism, recovery is a matter of life or death."
The Language of the Heart, p. 82
FEATURED LITERATURE: THE LANGUAGE OF THE HEART: Bill W.’s Grapevine Writings , our most popular book, features all of AA cofounder Bill W.’s writings in Grapevine from 1944 to 1970. The book includes how Bill came to organize AA’s Twelve Steps, his first thoughts about the program’s Twelve Traditions, emotional and spiritual growth and much more. Great for meetings and AA history buffs.
Tuesdays at 7:30 PM Attraction Not Distraction is now meeting in person only at Christ Our King Presbyterian Church, 10 Lexington Rd, Bel Air.
Tuesday, May 24th - Each Day a New Beginning will not be meeting.
Wednesday, May 25th - Back to Basics at Rule 62 from 7 PM to 8:30 PM at St. Mathew’s Lutheran Church, 1200 Churchville Rd. Bel Air, MD. Weather permitting the regular meeting will be held outside at 7 PM.
Thursday, May 26th Pursuit of Happiness will be Celebrating 1 year. Women Only. Meeting doors open at 6 PM for fellowship immediately followed by dinner provided by home group members.
Sunday 2pm Meditation Meeting: Looking for IDEAS, WEEKLY LEADERS and CO-CHAIRS to carry on the message. Please come and join us.
Intergroup Council Meeting May 24th at 7 PM IN PERSON at 28 Centennial Lane or on Zoom. Dial In at 301 715 8592. Meeting ID: 837 2163 6986. Passcode: nemdaa or 425203. Please join us and give your Home Group a vote. NOMINATIONS will be held for Chair, Secretary & Treasurer for the upcoming term for service, beginning July 1, 2022.
AREA 29/GSO News:
Monday, May 30th - Memorial Day Alcathon Noon - 8pm The Texas Group (in Cockeysville, MD) will be holding a Memorial Day Alcathon on Monday, May 30th. Meetings will happen at Noon, 3:00 pm, 4:00 pm, and 7:00 pm. Food will be served from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm. Texas United Methodist Church, 7 Galloway Ave., Cockeysville, MD 21030. All are welcome!! Alcathon
Saturday, June 4th - District 40 & 41 are Hosting a "Brief Look at A.A.'s Founding Moments" at 10am "The story of the events that led to the historic meeting of our cofounders, Bill W. and Dr. Bob. Come join us In person at Damascus Road Community Church 12826 Old National Pike Mount Airy, MD 21771. For more information see Flyer .
In response to the 2021 General Service Conference Advisory Action requesting the development of a Fifth edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous, the trustees’ Literature Committee is seeking a wide range of A.A. recovery experience of members in the Fellowship. See DETAILS for more details. Deadline for submissions: October 31, 2022. Submit your story at 5bbStory@aa.org