Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours Posted on Website

Week of July 24, 2022

The Fundamentals in Retrospect - a word from Dr. Bob

"We have all known and seen miracles - the healing of broken individuals, the rebuilding of broken homes. And always, it has been constructive, personal Twelfth Step work based on an ever-upward-looking faith which has done the job."

Spiritual Awakenings, p.10

Upcoming Events

Office News

OFFICE HOURS are now Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am till 3pm ONLY. Please call or email all updates for the current week's bulletin and website to the office by Wednesday 12 Noon.

FEATURED LITERATURE: SPIRITUAL AWAKENINGS: Journey of the Spirit In 1946 Bill W. described Grapevine as a "collective voice" for AA. Here is a collection of those distinct and varied voices, spanning almost sixty years. Spiritual Awakenings presents the stories of AAs as they describe with warmth, passion, and humor the diverse ways in which the "sunlight of the spirit" has come into their lives.



Effective immediately, SPIRIT OF LIFE is temporarily closed while they look for a new location.

Effective immediately, EDGEWOOD NOON is closed.

NEW WOMENS BIG BOOK MEETING: The Keys to the Kingdom is meeting on MONDAYS, 6:00 PM at North East Community Park (pavilion by the playground).

Monday, August 1 - ABERDEEN MONDAY NIGHT will not meet due to church activities.

Tuesday, August 2 - SOLUTION FOR LIVING will meet in NE Park in Levy Pavilion, due to church activities.

The Lunch Bunch will be pausing the Zoom meetings ONLY on Mon, Wed, and Fridays for the month of August. They will resume on September 7th. The in-person Lunch Bunch meetings are not affected and will remain daily M-F.

The Spesutia Group will be closed due to church functions. We will resume meeting on Friday, September 2nd.

Attraction Rather Than Promotion will not meet on Sunday, July 31st due to church activities.


Intergroup Monthly Meeting -Tuesday July 26th at 7 PM IN PERSON at 28 Centennial Lane or on Zoom. Dial In at 301 715 8592. Meeting ID: 837 2163 6986. Passcode: nemdaa or 425203. Please join us and give your Home Group a vote.

SAVE THE DATE October 1, Blue Hen Roundup - hosted by Central Delaware Intergroup FLYER


Sunday, August 1st at 6:30pm - InterGroup Liaison Committee Meeting- on Zoom at IGLC Meeting Scott B., Area 29 Corrections Committee Chair will be the guest speaker. Please make sure you invite your local correction chair and others that serve on that committee.


Sunday, August 7th, 7PM Eastern - Writing Workshop for Stories for the 4th edition of Alcoholicos Anonimos (Spanish 4th edition) on Zoom at Spanish 4th Edition Story Writing Workshop


Institutions Committee

Perry Point Veteran's Hospital has opened their doors again for meetings. This commitment began Friday, May 27. We are looking for groups and individuals to support meetings Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays from 7-8 PM. For more information Send an email to


HELP WANTED: Interested in being of service to your fellows by working in the NEMDAA office? Paid position available for Fridays and/or Saturdays. Please call 410-272-4150 or email the Office Manager at for details.

Be of Service to your Home Group - send a member to the Intergroup Monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 26th at 7 PM. Come and welcome our new 2022 Officers: Brandon S - Chair, Steffani M - Secretary, and John F - Treasurer.

Answering Service

July 25 - July 31 Never Too Early
August 1 - August 7 Bel Air Big Book
August 8 - August 14 Rule 62

You can reach the Answering Service Chair at


* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date
24 July
Gil E Good News Group * 25 years
Laura G Delta Big Book * 1 year
Megan B Attraction Rather Than Promotion * 3 years
25 July
Lisa H SWAN - women only * 32 years
26 July
Eric W By the Book * 1 year
Rhea B Solution for Living * 12 years
27 July
David B T.H.I.N.K * 16 years
Heather B Joppa Twelve Step * 1 year
Rich T T.H.I.N.K * 4 years
28 July
Chris B Thirsty Thursday * 1 year
Christa S Pursuit of Happiness * 1 year
Cindy H Pursuit of Happiness * 6 years
Colleen F Pursuit of Happiness * 6 years
Jane J Came to Believe * 14 years
Marissa D Any Lengths * 7 years
29 July
Bob G Forest Hill Friday Night * 15 years
Jeff H North East Friday Night * 1 year
Steffani M Daily Reflections * 4 years
30 July
Paul P Fallston Early Saturday Gp * 4 years
31 July
Bernie H Sunday Morning Now * 2 years
Pat H Delta Big Book * 1 year
02 August
Jason B Sober by the Bay * 2 years
Kevin P Three Legacies * 28 years
Rex By the Book * 6 years
03 August
Brandon C Rule 62 * 2 years
Scott C North East Big Book * 6 years
04 August
Tom K How It Works † 48 years
05 August
Jonathan T North East Friday Night * 14 years
06 August
Bob C Jarrettsville Twelve Step * 29 years
08 August
Charley Cut It Out * 1 year
09 August
Tom L By the Book * 28 years
10 August
Patrick R Joppa Twelve Step * 10 years
12 August
Bill C North East Friday Night * 35 years
* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date

Final Thought:

"As Bill puts it, "When a man or a woman has a spiritual awakening, the most important meaning of it is that he has now become able to do, feel, and believe that which he could not do before on his unaided stenghth and resources alone."

Spiritual Awakenings, p.20

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498