New Meeting Listing . . . Friday Evening Big Book Study 6 PM at the North East United Methodist church. Please join us as we closely read and discuss our foundational text.
THINK GROUP celebrates their 40 year anniversary, Wednesday March 22nd with refreshments at 5 PM followed by the meeting at 5:30 with a speaker from their early days. Location is 4100 Webster Road just outside of Havre De Grace. Come celebrate with them!
SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE who participated and helped with the BINGO Fellowship . . . it was an awesome event!
February 28th Intergroup Monthly Meeting - The meeting will be held in person at the Intergroup Office at 28 Centennial Lane, Aberdeen and on line on Zoom. Dial In at 301 715 8592. Meeting ID: 837 2163 6986. Passcode: nemdaa or 425203. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU. Any questions, please email the Intergroup Secretary at
March 4th 1 PM - 4 PM. Come and learn about Accessibility to Meetings and AA Functions. Who is responsible to the still suffering to make meetings available to all? How can you help? This meeting is virtual on Zoom. Meeting ID: 850 8209 5243. Password: 126521. Use this link for the Meeting Agenda.
March 8th -7 PM - District 30 Virtual Monthly Meeting. Meeting ID: 827 7522 1425. Passcode: 770711 . Come join us.
March 10th - 6:30 PM - District 11 Monthly Meeting at Bethel Lutheran Church, off of route 40, behind the McDonalds, in North East MD. All are welcome!
March 11th - 10 AM - What is a GSR? Virtual Meeting on Zoom. Meeting ID: Meeting ID: 818 6222 7157 No PW.
March 18th 10 AM - 2 PM - CARC (Conference Agenda Review Committee) Meeting. Each group should send a member to this meeting at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 8808 Harford Rd., Parkville, MD 21234. The purpose of the Area 29 Conference Agenda Review Committees (CARCs) is to help prepare the Delegate for the General Service Conference. The CARCs are asked to review, discuss, and present selected Conference Agenda Items which will be brought before General Service Conference for consideration. The CARCs consist of GSR’s, DCM’s, past Delegates, Area Officers and ALL interested A.A. members. Literature changes and more will be discussed.
SAVE THE DATE Maryland State Convention 2023 - August 4th - 6th at the Delta Hotel by Marriott—Hunt Valley • 245 Shawan Road, Hunt Valley, MD. Without unity, the Heart of A.A. would cease to beat. Flyers - English - State Convention and Spanish - State Convention.