Sunday 9:30 AM S.O.S. - No coffee due to construction at the SOS meeting until further notice.
June 20th - Freedom Group will be celebrating the group's 40 Year Anniversary. Doors will open at 6 PM for food and fellowship, meeting to begin at 7 PM. Speakers to include Mark D.. Please come celebrate with us! Perryville United Methodist Church, (Hall behind church with red door, parking available across the street) 359 broad street, Perryville.
June 21st - North East Big Book 7 PM will be meeting at the North East Park, Crouch Pavilion, 200 West Walnut Street, North East.Picnic tables are available, chairs are encouraged for your comfort!
June 23rd - North East Friday Night Group 8 PM will be meeting at Bethel Lutheran Church located at RT 40 and RT 272 in North East, MD ( behind McDonalds and the Car Wash ) For June 23rd only due to church activities.
June 23rd - Friday Night Big Book Study 6 PM will be meeting at North East Park, 200 West Walnut Street, due to church activities.
June 24th - Rising Sun Big Book will be having its 3rd annual picnic at McCoy Farms - 762 Rock Run RD, Port Deposit, MD. Starts at 11 AM, Speakers at 1 PM and 4 PM. Live Band, Food and Fellowship. Bring your favorite dish!Flyers and Maps available at the office.
June 26th - Aberdeen Monday Night will not be meeting due to church activities.
June 27th - Sober by the Bay will be celebrating the group's 20 Year Anniversary. Saint John's Episcopal Church, 226 Market St, Charlestown, MD 21914. Come and join us.
June 28th - Wednesday Night Twelve Step will not be meeting due to church activities.
Effective Immediately - The Lunch Bunch is no longer a hybrid meeting. They can still be found in person Monday through Friday at St. Johns Episcopal Church, 11901 Bel Air Rd, Kingsville, MD at noon.
June 21st - District 28 is inviting the fellowship to meet and listen to our Delegate Kurt W. He will be reviewing the highlights of the General Service Conference and answer any questions you may have. The district will be serving pizza and cookies as well as coffee and water at 6:30 PM. Kurt's presentation will begin at 7 PM. You can attend in person at Bel Air United Methodist Church, 21 Linwood Ave, Room 202 or on Zoom Meeting ID: 988 561 607 Passcode: 754350. We hope everyone can participate. For the Delegate documents see the EVENTS Page.