Time Change - Friends of Bill W in Elkton will now be meeting at 7:30. The meeting is at the Haven House, 1195 Augustine Herman Hwy, Elkton.
Format Changes - New Beginnings - It's A New Day on Thursdays at 5:30 PM will be focusing on the Promises of A.A. and It's A New Day on Sundays at 1 PM will be reading the Daily Reflections. Both meetings are held at Nesbitt Hall, 99 North Main St, Port Deposit. Come and join us.
August 22nd - Intergroup Monthly Meeting - The meeting will be held in person at the Intergroup Office at 28 Centennial Lane, Aberdeen and on line on Zoom. Meeting ID:826-6343-9078. Password: 070124. Virtual doors will open at 6:45 PM. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU. Any questions, please email the Intergroup Secretary at
Intergroup Council Meeting Format - At the September 26th Intergroup Council meeting, we will discuss whether any changes are needed to the monthly business meeting format (currently hybrid with options for attending in person or via Zoom). Intergroup Reps (IGRs) - how do you prefer to join us each month? How can we improve meeting accessibility and quality? Please discuss with your home group over the coming weeks and plan to attend in September to share your group's input. Group participation is vital to the Intergroup's effectiveness! Our common welfare comes first.
Save the Date - February 22nd - 25th NERAASA 2024 at Hershey Lodge, 325 University Drive, PA 17033. Please print out copies of this NERAASA 2024 - FLYER and read at your Home Group. This is an awesome way to meet people in service and learn where you can serve the AA Fellowship.
August 20th - Area Accessibilites Monthly Meeting at 3 PM on ZOOM. Meeting ID: 841 2499 3206. Password: 326186. A.A. in Plain Language - Non-Trustee Director John W. will be present to share with us his presentation on AA in Plain Language, a tool for accessing the Big Book. Delegate Kurt W. will also offer his insights and impressions after his review at the 73rd General Service Conference. Use link for FLYER - PLAIN LANGUAGE.