We need your support - Forest Hill Tuesday Night at 7 PM at the Centre United Methodist Church, 2409 Rocks Rd, Forest Hill. Please come and join us.
October 11th - Rule 62 will be celebrating it's 5 Year Group Anniversary. Food starting at 5:15 PM followed by a Speaker at 7. There will be gourmet coffee and snacks as well. Please come and join us. St. Mattew's Church, 1200 East Churchville Road, Bel Air, MD 21014.
October 16th - Rising Sun Group will be celebrating it's 52nd Group Anniversary. Pot luck meal and fellowship at 7 PM. Traditions Play at 8 PM by the Tradition Players. Come and celebrate A.A. with us. West Nottingham Presbyterian Church, 1195 Firetower Rd, Colora.
October 20th - The North East Friday Night Group will celebrate 58 Years at 8 PM. Please join us for the celebration. North East United Methodist Church, 308 East Main Street, North East, MD, 21901.
September 26th - Intergroup Monthly Meeting at 7PM. The meeting will be held in person at the Intergroup Office at 28 Centennial Lane, Aberdeen and on line on Zoom. Meeting ID: 826-6343-9078. Password: 070124. Virtual doors will open at 6:45 PM. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU. Any questions, please email the Intergroup Secretary at
September 20th - District 28 Monthly Meeting You can attend in person at Bel Air United Methodist Church, 21 Linwood Ave, Room 202 or on Zoom. Meeting ID: 988 561 607. Passcode: 754350. We hope you can join us!!! For more information email
Here's the Link for the digital, anonymity-protected version of the 2023 General Service Conference Final Report. Our Delegate, Kurt W. encourages all to review it, as it contains significantly more detail than he was able to pass along in the Report Backs. If after reviewing you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Kurt at