December 3rd - DAY & TIME CHANGE - Keep it Simple Women's Group will now meet at 8 PM on Sundays on Zoom. Meeting ID: 828 0465 9084. Passcode: 164164.
December 8th - NEW MEETING - Alphabet Soup 6:30 PM at Achieve Behavioral Health Services Building, 2012 S Tollgate Rd, Suite 200, Bel Air. This will be an open A.A. meeting with a discussion format. Come and join us.
December 9th - Founding Moments - a Brief Look at A.A.'s History - Sponsored by Rule 62. Join us from 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM to hear the story of the events that led to the historic meeting of our cofounders, Bill W. and Dr. Bob. (Presented by Mike M., Brunswick Maryland) at Harford Community Church 2504 Creswell Rd. 21015.
December 13th - Joppa 12 Step Group Anniversary - 45 years. Food and refreshments from 6 PM - 7 PM. Speaker at 7 PM. All are welcome.. Channel of Grace Worship Center, 2500 Willoughby Beach Rd, Edgewood.
December 18th - SWAN Holiday Party. Ladies - Please Join SWAN for our annual Holiday Party at Nesbitt Hall, 99 North Main Street, Port Deposit, MD. Potluck Dinner at 6 PM, Speaker Meeting at 7 PM. Please feel welcome to bring a dish or dessert. All women in recovery are welcome (children are always welcome, and please supervise them). Looking forward to seeing old friends and new friends as we celebrate the blessing of recovery together.
December 24th 6 PM New Life Group will be meeting at Elkton Presbyterian Church, 209 E. Main St., Elkton.
December 25th 7 PM Spirit of Life will be meeting at the Haven House Education Building.1195 Augustine Herman Highway, Elkton.
December 31st - Annual New Years's Eve Alcathon hosted by Rising Sun Monday Group 7PM - to midnight. Pot luck dinner and great fellowship. Come join us at our meeting location at West Nottingham Presbyterian Church, 1195 Firetower Road, Colora, MD 21917
CHRISTMAS DAY ALCATHON - District 28 will be holding a Christmas Day Alcathon at Harford Community Church, 2504 Creswell Road, Bel Air, MD. Meetings will be from 9 am to 5 pm (every other hour.) Breakfast, lunch, snacks and coffee provided. Bring a dish if you wish. Join us to celebrate the gifts of sobriety!
December 31st - Ready to Ring in the New Year once again? The Intergroup is hosting an AA New Year's Eve Dinner/Dance once again this year from 7:30 pm - 12:30 am at the North East Methodist church hall which will include a catered dinner, desserts, noisemakers, a photo booth, and dancing with a DJ playing all your favorite hits and a "ball drop" to ring in the New Year! Tickets are once again only $25 per person and are now available through the Intergroup office, ticket sellers and online! Hurry, only 120 tickets available. Any questions email Michele C.,