New Meeting - The No-Name Group will take the place of the Kick Off meeting on Sundays at the Mann House.
The Rising Sun Big Book Group is in need of support. Join them at West Nottingham Presbyterian Church on Wednesdays at 5:30PM.
Bel Air Big Book will celebrate 30 years of service to the fellowship on Monday February 17th. Join us at 6:30 pm for food and fellowship. Meeting starts at 7:30 pm with Guest speaker Bob P. Location is Centre United Methodist Church at 2409 Rocks Road in Forest Hill.
January 20th - All AA members are welcomed to attend the next District 28 Monthly Meeting. Give your home group a voice! You can attend in person at Harford Community Church in Bel Air or on Zoom (Meeting ID: 988 561 607, Passcode: 754350).
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Potluck! See you at BINGO at Level Volunteer Fire Company's Banquet Hall in Havre de Grace on February 15th!
The next Intergroup Council Monthly Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 26th, in the office and on Zoom. Join us and give your home group a voice!
The Plain Language Big Book (B-90) has been revised. An expedited second printing has been completed and copies have been ordered. They should be available in the office soon.