New Meeting - The No-Name Group will take the place of the Kick Off meeting on Sundays at the Mann House.
January 28th - We Are Not Saints will not meet due to church activities.
February 10th - Aberdeen Monday Night Group will be closed due to church activities.
Bel Air Big Book will celebrate 30 years of service to the fellowship on Monday February 17th at Centre United Methodist Church, 2409 Rocks Road, Forest Hill. Join us at 6:30 pm for food and fellowship. Meeting starts at 7:30 pm with Guest speaker Bob P.
Attention District 30 GSRs or those interested: Our February meeting is scheduled for February 12 at 7:00 PM. This is where your voice is heard in AA and your group is informed about what's going on. Have you heard about the Plain Language Big Book? New stories for the next edition of the Big Book? Districts are the vital link from groups to all of AA. Join us on Zoom: Meeting ID: 880 7034 5340, Passcode: 010635.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Potluck! See you at BINGO at Level Volunteer Fire Company's Banquet Hall in Havre de Grace on February 15th!
Join us this week for the next Intergroup Council Monthly Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 28th, in the office and on Zoom. The agenda and other meeting documents can be found on the event page.
From the General Service Office: A.A. members who are Veterans of the United States or Canadian Armed Forces are invited to participate in a unique opportunity to share their experiences. Read more about the Military Veteran Interview Project here or email to learn more or volunteer for an interview.
The A.A. World Services Board met on December 13, 2024. Click this link to view the meeting highlights.