Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours Posted on Website

Week of June 07, 2020 in

"His human will had failed. Doctors had pronounced him incurable. Society was about to lock him up. Like myself, he had admitted complete defeat. Then he had, in effect, been raised from the dead, suddenly taken from the scrap heap to a level of life better than the best he had ever known!"

-Alcoholics Anonymous, p.11


Physical meetings... please email all meeting updates and changes to Please include any special instructions with your email and the date you will be starting. If your group currently has a Virtual meeting, please include whether this will continue or stop. Here is a link to GUIDELINES TO SAFELY RE-OPEN IN-PERSON MEETINGS provided by the Baltimore AA Intergroup. If you have any specific questions, concerns, or ideas to help others, please email For the most updated information see the June Meeting's Update Page.

Virtual meetings... If you are hosting a meeting, please check the dates to confirm you have scheduled the meeting through June. If there are any updates to your meetings, please send them to to keep the website current.

Please email any bulletin announcements and anniversaries (actual or virtual) to by Saturday at noon. For current information, please check the website.

Group Announcements:

   Freedom Group - June 22nd - 36 Year Group Anniversary (Actual Date)

   Sober By The Bay - June 24th - 17 Year Group Anniversary (Actual Date)


Give your Home Groups a vote... please have one home group member attend the Intergroup Meeting on Saturday, June 13th at 3:30 PM on Zoom or Dial In at 929-205-6099. Meeting ID: 852 4719 7087. Password: 669703. New Intergroup Officers will be elected for 2020-2022. If you have 3 or more years of continuous sobriety we are asking you to stand. Tom R, past Area 29 Delegate, will serve to officiate the Third Legacy Procedure.

Service work is an essential part of our sobriety... Recovery, Unity, and Service.

Volunteers... we are starting a group of office volunteers to staff the office. If you are interested in serving, please email to The Volunteer Team will work with the Office Manager and the Intergroup Council. Office Manager... the Intergroup Council will be interviewing candidates for this position. For job specifications and requirements, please send email to or call 410-272-4150 during business hours.

Contributions, Literature, and Thanks...

Virtual 7th Tradition Basket Best Practices on Tuesday, June 9th and/or Tuesday, June 16th 6:30 PM on Zoom or Dial in at 929 205 6099. Meeting ID: 845 9717 5992. Password: 962128. Terry P., Area 29 Treasurer, will guest chair to talk about our efforts thus far getting 7th Tradition contributions established digitally and to answer questions about contributions as well as Area service.

Need literature or medallions? the office is OPEN. The Intergroup Office hours for Sunday, June 7th – Saturday, June 13th are posted on the website. To enter the office please wear face covering, respect social distance, and limit two patrons.

Curbside Pick-up: During business hours if you would like to arrange for CURBSIDE PICK-UP you can call the office at 410-272-4150 to place your order. After business hours you can email orders to If you have questions about literature, medallions, or need to make special arrangements, please let us know. Payment can be made with check, cash, or PayPal – further information will be given with your order. Evening pickups can be arranged.

THANKS... to everyone for their continued support and love during this time...


Upcoming Events

Institutions Committee

WE HAD A GLITCH The links for sending emails to,, and missy@nemdaa are not functioning as we hoped. If you have sent any emails and have not received a response, please resend. The email addresses are correct unfortunately the links were not. So once again we need your help...

All Institutions sponsors past and current, and all home groups who have held an Institution commitment, please email the Institution Chair at with your commitment and contact information. The committee is taking this opportunity to update contact information and commitment status. Thanks to all...

Answering Service

June 8 - June 14 Joppa 12 Step
June 15 - June 21 Good News Group
June 22 - June 28 Sobriety on Friday
June 29 - July 5 William Street


* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date
08 June
Anthony R Bel Air Big Book † 11 years
12 June
Tommy E ‡ New Beginnings 1 year
Bob K NE Friday Night Group 36 years
13 June
Ellen F Living Sober † 7 years
Joey Y New Beginnings † 4 years
Courtney C Women for Sobriety † 3 years
14 June
Jerry B ‡ Gratitude Group 20 years
15 June
Caleb T ‡ Rising Sun Group 10 years
16 June
Sharon E Three Legacies † 3 years
Dana G By The Book † 2 years
17 June
Rob R ‡ Rule 62 Group 12 years
Chana C Bel Air Wednesday † 9 years
18 June
Vicki S Any Lengths † 3 years
Jeanie W Living the Steps * 1 year
Victor R ‡ Sober by the Bay 37 years
20 June
Leslie A New Beginnings † 37 years
23 June
Frank M By the Book * 5 years
24 June
Jean W NE Big Book † 23 years
25 June
Marc D Any Lengths † 5 years
26 June
Jim Z NE Friday Night * 15 years
27 June
Jim K New Beginnings † 33 years
* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date

Final Thought:"I saw that my friend was much more than inwardly reorganized. He was on a different footing. His roots grasped a new soil."-Alcoholics Anonymous p.11-12

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498