Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours Posted on Website

Week of June 28, 2020

...the fellowship

"We meet frequently so that newcomers may find the fellowship they seek. At these informal gatherings one may often see from 50 to 200 persons. We are growing in numbers and power. An alcoholic in his cups is an unlovely creature.... There is, however, a vast amount of fun about it all. I suppose some would be shocked at our seeming worldliness and levity. But just underneath there is a deadly earnestness. Faith has to work twenty-four hours a day in and through us, or we perish."

-Alcoholics Anonymous, p.15-16

Institutions Committee

HOME GROUP INSTITUTION CONTACT - if your home group would like information on institution commitments please email your contact information to

Upcoming Events


Service to A.A. - please pass on this information... 2020 International Convention – A Virtual Experience, in English, French and Spanish. The site will be up and running on July 1, 2020 and will be online throughout the month of July. Please stay tuned for updates on

Yes to Volunteers... we have a good list starting for office volunteers. If you are available and would like to volunteer at the Intergroup, please give us a call during office hours. The Volunteer Team will work with the Office Manager and the Intergroup Council.

Intergroup Council Meeting - NEW DAY and TIME - the monthly meeting will be on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 PM. Our 2020 - 2022 Council's 1st meeting will be on July 28th on Zoom.

with gratitude and love... "It would be hard to estimate how much A.A. has done for me." A.A.,page 191. "In June of 2018 an Oldtimer asked, suggested, voluntold me to serve as Chairperson for the Intergroup Council. I stood... begrudgingly. Today I am full of gratitude that I took the action. You told me "faith without works was death and action would give me a recovery beyond my wildest dreams"... you were right. Today I am asking you to stand. The position of Intergroup Chairperson is still open and we need you to stand... look in the mirror and ask yourself... who would benefit from this... you, your sponsee, your sponsor??" for more information...

Contributions, Literature, and Thanks...

From Group Services at A.A.W.S.7th Tradition Contribution Letter June 19, 2020. Please read to your home groups... thank you

Need literature or medallions? The office is OPEN. The Intergroup Office hours are posted on the website. To enter the office please wear face covering, and respect social distance.

Curbside Pick-up: During business hours if you would like to arrange for CURBSIDE PICK-UP you can call the office at 410-272-4150 to place your order. After business hours you can email orders to If you have questions about literature, medallions, or need to make special arrangements, please let us know. Payment can be made with check, cash, or PayPal – further information will be given with your order. Evening pickups can be arranged.

Thanks to all the groups and individuals who continue to support the Intergroup through contributions and service.



LAST CALL... for reimbursement of Spring Breakfast Tickets and Dinner/Puppet Show Tickets. (last call...June 30th). Thanks to those who have turned their breakfast tickets into a contribution to the Intergroup. Contribution receipts will be sent out this week. If you have already contacted the office about reimbursement, we will be contacting you by the end of this week to make arrangements.

Welcome to our New Office Staff... Joanne P. will be starting on Monday, June 29th as our Office Manager. She will be bringing 26 years of recovery and extensive professional background . Assisting her will be Rachel B., celebrating 4 years July 1st. The Intergroup Council would like to extend a special thanks to Jeffrey W. and Sandy S. for their hard work and continued support.

Group Announcements:

   Sober By The Bay - June 30th - 17 Year Group Anniversary (Physical)

   Fact to Face (f2f) Meetings are updated daily and posted on the website. Here's the link: DAILY UPDATES FOR GROUP REOPENINGS

   Physical and Virtual meetings... please email all meeting updates and changes to Please include any special instructions with your email and the dates. Here's a link on How to Re-Open Meetings Safely (With Links) provided by the Baltimore AA Intergroup and a reading from G.S.O. on Safety and A.A.: Our Common Welfare. If you have any specific questions, concerns, or ideas to help others, please email

Please email bulletin announcements and anniversaries (actual, virtual, physical) to by Saturday at noon. For current information, please check the website.

Answering Service

June 29 - July 5 William Street
July 6 - July 12 Any Lengths
July 13 - July 19 By the Book
July 20 - July 26 Providence Group


* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date
30 June
Dana G By The Book * 2 years
Leon S ‡ Came to Believe 19 years
02 July
Allie C Bel Air Women's Big Book † 1 year
03 July
Devon F NE Friday Night * 6 years
04 July
Bill C New Beginnings † 2 years
08 July
George Z Bel Air Wednesday Group † 39 years
09 July
Marissa D Any Lengths † 5 years
10 July
Michelle S Happy Hour † 8 years
Lisa W ‡ Any Lengths 32 years
14 July
Nate C Three Legacies † 1 year
Patsy W By the Book * 14 years
15 July
Laurie S NE Big Book † 27 years
22 July
Rhonda P Bel Air Wednesday Group † 15 years
29 July
Matt C Bel Air Wednesday Group † 6 years
David B THINK Group * 14 years
04 August
Tommy L By The Book * 26 years
Kevin P Three Legacies † 26 years
05 August
Scott C NE Big Book † 4 years
Mike P THINK Group * 35 years
* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date

Final Thought:"Each day my friend's simple talk in our kitchen multiplies itself in a widening circle of peace on earth and good will to men."-Alcoholics Anonymous p.16

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498