Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours Posted on Website

Week of October 25, 2020

Step Five...once we have taken this step . . .

"...withholding nothing, we are delighted. We can look the world in the eye. We can be alone at perfect peace and ease. Our fears fall from us. We begin to feel the nearness of our Creator. We may have had certain spiritual beliefs, but now we begin to have a spiritual experience. The feeling that the drink problem has disappeared will often come strongly. We feel we are on the Broad Highway, walking hand in hand with the Spirit of the Universe."

Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 75

Upcoming Events

Office News

For Office Hours and Curbside Purchases please check out the Contact Us Section of the Website.


WE NEED YOUR INPUT The Level Fire Hall has given us a date of Saturday, November 28th for our first FALL BINGO. We can have up to 160 attendees (last Bingo we had almost 400 Bingo Players). We will not be able to bring in any of our own food or beverages. The Fire Hall will sell hamburgers and hot dogs, chips, and soda. There will be 4 people to a table to encourage social distancing. Masks must be worn when walking around the hall (getting food, going to and from the restrooms, going to and from outside to smoke). Please email our Ways and Means Chair at and let us know YES or NO. You can also attend the Monthly Intergroup Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 27th 7PM on Zoom.

Intergroup Council Meeting - Tuesday, October 27th at 7 PM. We will be discussing the Budget for 2021, Ways and Means functions for 2021, possibility for Bingo on November 28, 2020, office expenses and Committee Updates. Please send a representative from your Home Group. There will be an Orientation for Intergroup Representatives starting at 6:15 PM. If you are interested in attending, please send an email to For more information and meeting documents go to Events

For Information about meetings use this link - How To Find A Meeting

Individual Group Announcements - All group changes for locations, times, outside to inside, new groups, and cancellations are listed in the Meeting Updates page and in the Meetings section of the website. (click on the links above to go directly to the pages)

DEADLINE DAY AND TIME: Please email bulletin announcements and anniversaries (actual, virtual, physical) to by FRIDAYS AT NOON. For current information, please check the website.

DATE AND TIME CHANGE - District 30 will be holding the District elections in November. There are four positions available - District Committee Member (D.C.M.), Alternative D.C.M., Secretary, and Treasurer. Nominations and voting will take place at the monthly meeting on November 18th at 6PM on Zoom. Please spread the word.

Save the date . . . Saturday, November 21st 9am- 12:30pm - It's Baltimore's 80th AA Anniversary! To celebrate, Baltimore Intergroup is hosting a virtual extravaganza of AA speakers, historians, musical acts and more! . . . Just in time for Gratitude Month! For more information visit the Events Calendar.


Institutions Committee

Available institution commitments are listed on the website under the Service and Committee Section. If you are interested in carrying the message and want more information, send an inquiry to


from the Chair . . .It’s an honor to serve and help guide the NEMDAA Intergroup. Many thanks to several “Oldsters” for helping advise me and the new panel of elected officers and committee chairs. We have a wonderful team of newly elected officers that are all trying to “carry the message” during these uncertain times. The single biggest priority while trying to carry the message is also trying to keep everyone safe as we navigate these COVID19 Pandemic times. We have seen the 100% in-person meetings go almost exclusively on-line, to virtual, Zoom meetings. Thank goodness for Zoom and for the flexibility of our groups and members to pivot to Zoom – life on life’s terms. As the Summer weather came, so did the creativity of our members to hold outside meetings, hybrid meetings (combination of in-person and on-line meetings), and a host of other types of get togethers trying to meet everyone’s needs, safely. We settled into a new normal trying to maintain 6ft social distancing, wearing of masks, frequently washing hands, and cleaning high-touch surfaces. As colder weather approaches, our members’ creativity will also be challenged, as we go back to limited inside venues, utilizing space heaters and outdoor lighting, ingeniously finding ways to continue carrying the message. The NEMDAA website is a premier tool for reaching our members, new and old, especially during these constantly changing times and places. Thank you to our Website/Technology Committee for keeping our site among the best in the country. If you haven’t noticed, the Intergroup Office in Aberdeen has undergone a complete makeover, two new staff members, Joanne and Rachel, along with new computer, host of new literature, and plentiful stock of medallions. Please stop by… I look forward to serving each and every member, carrying the message, and trying to communicate more frequently via “From The Chair”. Rex, Love in Service

Answering Service

October 26 - November 1 Williams Street
November 2 - November 8 Any Lengths
November 9 - November 15 By The Book
November 16 - November 22 Providence Group

You can reach the Answering Service Chair at


* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date
25 October
Jean B Good News Group † 7 years
27 October
Don A Sober by the Bay * 50 years
Michelle C Bel Air Womens Group - open to all †* 2 years
Noah M By the Book * 1 year
Shaun H Third Tradition * 9 years
28 October
Kelly M Providence † 7 years
Kyle L Rule 62 4 years
29 October
John W Living the Steps * 36 years
Vanessa K Any Lengths † 3 years
30 October
Ariel B Happy Hour † 46 years
John P Sobriety on Friday 30 years
31 October
Matt S Friends of Bill W * 5 years
02 November
Naseem T Monday Night Raw † 9 years
Sarah M Bel Air Big Book † 5 years
Shad S Harmony Church Big Book * 17 years
03 November
Steve L By The Book * 14 years
06 November
Donny I Forest Hill Friday Night * 29 years
Sarah B New Life Aberdeen * 33 years
07 November
Doug L New Beginnings †* 32 years
Josh B Friends of Bill W * 2 years
Lisa P Women For Sobriety * 6 years
08 November
Jim K Attraction Rather Than Promotion † 1 year
Morgan J Sunday Morning Now †* 5 years
09 November
Buzz K ‡ Emmorton Beginners 33 years
10 November
Adam G Three Legacies † 18 years
Larry O Sober By The Bay * 25 years
11 November
Rick R Joppa Twelve Step * 31 years
14 November
Wayne F New Beginnings †* 18 years
* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date

Final Thought:

"This program is for people who want it, not people who need it."

Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 315

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498