Northeastern Maryland Intergroup of AA

(410)272-4150 Office Hours Posted on Website

Week of December 20, 2020

It works - it really does.

"As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action. We constantly remind ourselves we are no longer running the show, humbly saying to ourselves many times each day 'Thy will be done.' We are then in much less danger of excitement, fear, anger, worry, self-pity, or foolish decisions. We become much more efficient. We do not tire so easily, for we are not burning up energy foolishly as we did when we were trying to arrange life to suit ourselves."

Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 87 - 88

Upcoming Events

Office News

Need literature or medallions ... the office hours are posted on the website on the Contact Us Page. To enter the office please wear face covering, and respect social distance. The office will be closed on Christmas and New Year's Day.

If you would prefer Curbside Pick-up: During business hours you can call office at 410-272-4150 to place your order. After business hours you can email order to Let us know if you need to make any special arrangements. Payment can be made with check, cash, or PayPal – further information will be given with your order. Evening pickups can be arranged with 24 hour notice.


from the Chair

"The holidays are upon us. I along with all of the NEMDAA officers and IG office staff wanted to wish everyone a Happy, Safe and Merry Holiday Season, no matter how you celebrate.

The NEMDAA website is a premier tool for reaching our members, new and old, especially during these constantly changing times and places. During this Holiday Season, please refer to our website as it lists multiple options for Christmas and New Years Day including all-day Alkathons, most virtual but a few in-person.

Please continue to practice COVID-mitigation techniques as well. Wear a mask, maintain physical distance, and limit your time around people “outside of your bubble”. Going out to restaurants increases your risk of exposure. Even inviting people to your home or going to a friend’s house can expose you to the virus. Instead, please find creative ways to spent time with those you care about.

If you are traveling outside the local area for the Holidays, make a plan. Like we should do every day, get adequate rest, stop to refresh, and break up long events/tasks over multiple days. Your destination will be there, and most importantly, so will you. In addition, my sponsor told me to eat a salad (something healthy) and trying get out for a walk (into nature) at least once a day.

Thanks to everyone that donated and continue to donate through the 7th tradition. Through your continued assistance, we maintain an open intergroup office with new and time-tested literature options, medallions, and a friendly and helpful office staff.

Life is not a search for happiness. Happiness is a by-product of living the right kind of life and doing the next right thing. I look forward to continuing serving each and every member, carrying the message. Happy Holidays! Rex, Love in Service"

Bulletin Deadlines: Please email or call in bulletin announcements and anniversaries Fridays by noon. For current information please check the website. Deadline for December 27th Issue is Thursday December 24th by noon. Deadline for January 3rd Issue is December 31st by noon.


Institutions Committee

Available institution commitments are listed on the website under the Service and Committee Section. If you are interested in carrying the message and want more information, send an inquiry to


Please be of service for the Holidays . . .

District 18 Maryland Presents . .  . CHRISTMAS ALCATHON . . .Join your AA family for some holiday sobriety! Invite a newcomer! Please email District 18 . . to get a link to sign up to host, speak or be a zoom facilitator. . . .

. . . Volunteer to Share your Experience, Strength, and Hope at the Christmas Alcathon. District 36 of Saint Mary's County is asking A.A. members to share their story...PLEASE SIGN UP TO CHAIR A MEETING 

Please join us and give your Home Group a vote . . . the December Intergroup Council Meeting is Tuesday the 22nd at 7 PM on Zoom or Dial In at 929 205 6099. Meeting ID: 852 4719 7087. Password: 669703. . Virtual doors will open at 6:45 PM. Documents for the meeting can be found on the Events Calendar

Serving the Fellowship . . . . . A.A. Christmas Day – Open House and Alcathon – Port Deposit 11:30 AM – 9:00 PM at Port Deposit Presbyterian Church, 44 S Main St, Port Deposit, MD 21904. Food, Fellowship, A.A. Meetings, Speaker Meetings throughout the day, closing with The Point Is – Big Book Meeting.

Share Your Story. YOU can submit an article to the Grapevine! SUBMISSION GUIDELINES. Please submit an article to the Grapevine for the Prison Issue (stories due Jan. 15, 2021). Stories are needed by members about how AA brings hope into prisons and jails. Stories by prisoners and by those who bring AA meetings to them. And those Involved in correspondence service or prison sponsorship? We would love to hear your stories.

Great Service Opportunity - Join us in a collaborative rendition of unlocking the mystery of  The A.A. Service Manual.  Areas 12, 28 & 29 are pleased to invite you to join us on Thursday evenings  from 7 pm – 8:30 pm (ET). Beginning January 7 – February 11 2021. For more information see the Events Calendar

Join us for Bridging the Gap Service Meeting Wednesday, January 6th at 7 PM. The first Area-wide Bridging the Gap (BTG) service meeting, for all BTG chairs, briefers, temporary contacts, and anyone interested in this twelfth step work. See the Events Page for more Information

Area 29 Grapevine Committee is collecting old Grapevine magazines to send to alcoholics across Area 29, wherever the need might be: halfway houses, jails, assisted living facilities, or individuals. To contribute old Grapevines, contact Meryl T., Area 29 Grapevine Committee Chair

For all his many years of service to Alcoholics Anonymous... we send our condolences to the families and Home Groups of Tim B. member of Back to Basics . . we love and miss you.

Answering Service

December 21 - December 27 Bel Air Big Book
December 28 - January 3 Rule 62
January 4 - January 10 Emmorton 8:30
January 11 - January 17 Living the Steps

You can reach the Answering Service Chair at


* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date
21 December
Michael B Emmorton Beginners † 34 years
22 December
Derric B Third Tradition * 19 years
Renee W Sisters of Sobriety † 1 year
Santino Q Third Tradition * 13 years
23 December
Josh Joppa Twelve Step * 1 year
25 December
Kenny J Happy Hour † 1 year
26 December
Zach K Fallston Early Saturday † 1 year
29 December
John B By The Book * 3 years
30 December
Mike Joppa Twelve Step * 1 year
Reyna W Providence Group † 3 years
31 December
Byron ‡ Rising Sun Group 31 years
02 January
Buzzy H Fallston Early Saturday † 37 years
Ladonna Living Sober † 11 years
Michael M New Beginnings † 12 years
03 January
Jeff P Sunday Reflections † 19 years
04 January
Les V Emmorton Beginners † 28 years
05 January
Chris C Three Legacies † 37 years
Christine F Sisters of Sobriety † 10 years
Pete N Sober By The Bay * 36 years
06 January
Pete D Providence Group † 5 years
Tina B Joppa Twelve Step * 4 years
Tom S Bel Air Wednesday Group † 31 years
07 January
Jeannie M Any Lengths † 1 year
Macie B Bel Air Womens Big Book † 1 year
08 January
Dave A North East Friday Night * 9 years
Greg W ‡ Spesutia Group 39 years
Jonathan S Acceptance * 4 years
Rondi S Happy Hour † 20 years
* physical meeting
† virtual meeting
‡ actual sobriety date

Final Thought:

"As long as I work the program, keep being of service, go to meetings, and keep my spiritual life together, I can live a decent life."

Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 485

28 Centennial Lane Aberdeen, MD 21001-2498