July 4th - Bel Air Women's Big Book will meet at noon at the Church of the Good Shepherd, 1515 Emmorton Rd, Bel Air.
July 4th - Came to Believe will not be meeting due to the parade and church activities.
August 8th - Came to Believe will not meet due to church activities.
NEEDS SUPPORT - Search for Serenity at 7 PM on Tuesdays at Mount Christian Church in the trailers at 1824 Mountain Rd., Joppatown. Please join us to support A.A.
For information about your District and how to be of service seek out your District Officers at their Home Groups. If you don't know what District you are in, use this link DISTRICT INFO.
Congratulations to Jean B. (Good News Group), who will serve as the next Intergroup Treasurer for the 2024-2026 term! The Intergroup Council is grateful to Jean for her willingness to serve.
September 14th - MUSICIANS WANTED for NEMDAA Pig Roast at Making Memories Event Venue in Perryville. Food & fellowship 12-5pm with an open speaker meeting at 3pm. Tickets are $20 each and available now. Please email
July 1st - Area 29 Intergroup Liaison Committee (IGLC) Monthly Meeting - Please join us for our next virtual Intergroup Liaison Committee (IGLC) meeting on Monday, July 1st, 2024 at 6:30 pm via Zoom. Meeting ID: 869 1805 3341. Passcode: 352346 or Dial in at 301-715-8592. Terry P, Area 29 Delegate, will provide a Report Back from the recent General Service Conference.
Grapevine News - The Trustees' Committee on Cooperation with the Professional Community/Treatment and Accessibilities is seeking A.A. members in the U.S. and Canadian Armed Forces to discuss their experience, strength, and hope as sober members of A.A. in the military in recorded anonymity-protected interviews. The goal of this effort is to improve A.A. outreach to members in the U.S. and Canadian military. Interested military members can volunteer or get more information about this project by writing to