July 30th - Solution for Living will meet in a pavilion in North East Community Park, 300 Cherry St, North East, MD 21901.
August 8th - Came to Believe will not meet due to church activities.
NEEDS SUPPORT - Search for Serenity at 7 PM on Tuesdays at Mountain Christian Church in the trailers at 1824 Mountain Rd., Joppatowne. Please join us to support A.A.
July 10th - Join the District 30 Monthly Meeting on Zoom at 7pm. Follow the link or dial in at 929-205-6099. Meeting ID: 827 7522 1425. Passcode: 770711.
July 12th - The District 11 Monthly Meeting will be held from 6:30-7:30pm at Bethel Lutheran Church, 24 Cameron Road, North East, MD. Attend to represent your home group and support your district!
For information about your District and how to be of service seek out your District Officers at their Home Groups. If you don't know what District you are in, use this link: DISTRICT INFO.
HELP WANTED - As of July 1st, the positions of Intergroup Chairperson and Secretary are vacant for the 2024-2026 term. Nominations are requested prior to the next Intergroup Council meeting scheduled for July 23rd. Nominees require at least 3 years of continuous sobriety. Please email with any questions about how you can be of service.
September 14th - MUSICIANS WANTED for the Chicken & Pig Roast at Making Memories Event Venue in Perryville. Food and Fellowship 12-5pm. Open speaker meeting at 3pm. All are welcome! Chicken, pulled pork, hot dogs, sides and drinks. Tickets $20. Please email:
Ways and Means Committee is looking for volunteers to organize bimonthly events. Please email or join our planning meetings, held every other Saturday in-person at the office and on Zoom, Meeting ID: 826-6343-9078 Password: 070124. Visit the event link for more information: NEMDAA Planning Committee Meetings.
July 13th - Area 29 Committee Meeting - District 10 will host this meeting of the Maryland General Service from 8:00am-3:00pm, in person at St. John's Lutheran Church, 8808 Harford Rd., Parkville, MD, and on Zoom.