Intergroup Officers

2024-2026 Intergroup Officer Elections. Congratulations and thank you to our new Chairperson, Bruce J. (Three Legacies), Secretary, Jeff H. (Emmorton Group (8:30)) and Treasurer, Jean B. (Good News Group).

Interested in being of service? Already an IGR for your home group? Just want to learn more about service at an Intergroup level?

The following committees are looking for support:  

The Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) Committee and Public Information (PI) Committees need new Chairs, as well as committee members.

Other committees are also available to join. Please call us at 410-272-4150 or email

Come to the next Intergroup monthly meeting, held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Information for the zoom log in is available on the website, we also meet in person here at the office 28 Centennial Ln, Aberdeen, MD 21001. See the events calendar for upcoming dates and more information.

Your service is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to serving alongside you!

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